Kambing Jantan The Movie!

Saturday, June 28, 2008


= melakukan curhat.

Hell yeah.
Gw puter haluan. Because of my acceptance in Faculty of Computer Science in UI, I decided to take it and forget SNMPTN. Well it's okay. After everything that happens, maybe it's just not the best for me or maybe God has other plan for me.
Good things from this situation, I can continue my piano course, be closer to my parents, do a lot of things that I cannot do if I were in Bandung. This means, some problems are solved, yet it added new problem. Or not problem, just something to think of.
Hmm, this something-to-think-of, loaded my mind these days. At first I don't even think of it, I mean, just go through it. But as days go by, this thing keeps me cry awake for some time before sleep. I've done some chit-chat with my sharing friends, but this thing just bothering me all the time. Damn! Shit man.
Despite this thingy, I also have another worries. What about the room and board (kosan)?? What will this spoiled little brat do without parents? Without all the facility she usually gets? Woohoo, I'm scared yet excited! Whoa.
Aaanyway, my body seems to disappoint me by getting weaker these days. Everyday I have a cold or a cough or worse, asthma. It's not that I don't drink medicine, but something else must happened inside my body*apa sih.

sorry for the messy post. biar yg baca orang yg niat ajah. haha.

Friday, June 13, 2008

bingung dan kesal

First, this posting is completely a reflection of my heart these days, nothing special to be viewed, no need to read if you do not want to. Go ahead, close this tab!

Gw lagi menyesali keputusan nih. Udah bayar Binus kampretto. Jahh. Sia-sia lah itu Farmasi UGM. Sayang banget sih emang. Tapi mo gimana lagi. Damn. Udah males belajar pula. Gaaaah.

Belakangan ini, gw lagi sering denger kata-kata,
"Aturan lo .... aja,"
"Yaah, kenapa ga .... aja?"

Adooh, yang semuanya berbau nasihat yang terlambat. Malah bikin nyesel. Baspes semuanya!!!

Jadiii sekarang ngejer ITB. USM 2 kemaren penuh kejutan, yang diterima sangat banyak daripada taun lalu. Taun lalu cuma 3 orang dari USM 2 (kalo salah mohon dikoreksi) dan sekarang banyak. Sirik! Haha. Si petir dapet fakultas yang gw mau. Wew. Seneng juga sih banyak yang diterima, temen di sana jadi banyak (amiiin). Selamat buat semua yang dapet!

Anyway, I changed my blog skin. Gw tipe orang yang bosen kalo ngeliat hal berwarna yang sama untuk waktu yang agak lama, jadi mungkin bakal sering ganti kalo ada waktu. Hahahah. Sekalian biar rajin apdet. *Semacam yang baca banyak.

Belakangan ini lagi banyak mikir. Pikiran-pikiran ke depan. Ketakutan ke depan. Semuanyaa! Aaaargh.

Besok pengumuman kelulusan. Gosipnya 78 lulus semua. Amin!
Yoweis lah, selamat menikmati Euro 2008 buat yang ngikutin! Gw sendiri ga begitu nikmatin itu sih. Daan cukup banyak kesibukan memang.

Mohon doanya biar diterima di Fakultas Teknik Sipil dan Lingkungan ITB lewat jalur SNMPTN. Amin ya Allah! :)

*gw pake bahasa Indonesia-Inggris gak dicampur loh. Nyadar? haha xDD