Kambing Jantan The Movie!

Saturday, September 15, 2007


ow! sh*t, no one posting lately. months of no-posts! well, there's one: amin's.

the fact is... there' s nothing significant lately, and maybe I was too busy to post, and (maybe) so are they. plus, mid-test coming in 2 days!

and now I have no idea what to write (oops, type?) !

oya, ini 1st Puasa gw jadian! hahaha, ga penting. semoga daku tak mendosa yah... hehe.

and I'll have my birthday on 5th of October, please keep in mind...

hell yeah, finally I have finished Deathly Hallows... (tlat ya bo!)
dan gw agak kecewa sama endingnya, tapi ya gpp lah, at least Harry's alive! *bodo amat yg blm baca, pasti idup kan??
dan ada beberapa tokoh yang menggantung gitu ga jelas nasibnya... bukan ga jelas, tapi gw pengennya diungkap lagi akhirnya mereka gimana...
for sure, I'm waiting for the translation, cuz there are some descriptions that I don't understand. poor English =(

off, mau buka puasa. asiiik! :))