Kambing Jantan The Movie!

Thursday, August 23, 2007

welcome braces!

Finally, braces! Been waiting for this for a long time. Haha.

Well well well, ternyata pake behel tuh ga enak yah. Ga bisa makan yang keras" (for a while doang sih) yah pokoknya cukup bikin gw menderita karna gw ga bisa makan snack" macamnya bengbeng, biskuat, ketoprak (karna ada kerupuknya, ketoprak ga enak ga pake kerupuk!), and all and all... Even for a while, maybe around a week or so, it's torturing me. Yang jelas H+5 pake behel, berat gw langsung turun 1,5 kilo! Ahahahahahahahhh! x)) lol

Yeah. A lot of great things happened to me lately. Snin, si petir ga bawa motor. Akhirnya pulang dianter jalan kaki. Ayeeeyy! Prefer walking home with him to riding home with him. Yaah, kasian juga sih, dia jadi jalan kaki ntaran...

Happy, finally I can adapt with the new situation now, although I'm still feeling a bit revolted to see over hard worker, yang jadi rajin gara-gara udah kelas 3. Sadly, banyak orang-orang yang gw sayang jadi kayak gitu. Huhu =((

Asyiiik, minggu bsok lari! Smoga jadi jalan :)

off now.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

thank God

Today is one of the days that makes me grateful of what I have.

Thank God...
I have my whole family
I can eat 3 times a day, with such delicious meals
I have a complete body that functioned well
I have such lovely friends
I have some very very great best friends
I have a nice boyfriend (for now)
I can go to school
and a lot of I can... and I have...

This morning I went to Mayestik Market and I saw a lot of grocers, peddlers, and many many more sellers that were inevitable by people. I found this thing afflicted. I mean, they were all trying to get some money to live, weren't they? And they were inevitable by people! Just think about what they were feeling when they were inevitable or worse, driven from the stores. It's sad. Worse, there were also some beggars asking for money...

And today, I also eat a 3 times with such delicious meals. I ate meat and rice in the morning, ate pizza at Eddie's Pizza, and ate self-fried Chicken Cordon Bleu for dinner. Wow. What I'm talking about is, I can eat thrice a day plus with delicious meals, when they suffering to find money. Such a different thing, isn't it?

Alhamdulillah... :)

Today's lesson: Be grateful of what you have!

Monday, August 06, 2007

bad me

Oke. Hari ini, ada bapakny temen gw yg meninggal.

Innalillahi wa inna ilaihi raajiun

Asli, gw shock. Kebetulan hari sebelumny gw dikabarin sm temen gw, kalo bapakny tmen gw ini kena accident seminggu/2 minggu yang lalu. Dan pas dikabarin beliau meninggal... Gw kaget banget.

Yaa, gw emang ga kenal-kenal amat sih sama temen gw itu. Gw tau dia karna dia cowony classmate gw pas klas XI, trus pas klas XII juga sih. Trus dia temennya temen-temen dket gw skarang, ya dikit-dikit gw tau lah. Tapi ngobrol langsung sih jarang banget.

Hwhwhw... Tadiny gw udah menetapkan hati buat ngelayat ke rumahnya... Apalagi rumahnya ga jauh-jauh amat. Sialanny, pala gw emang udah pusing dari pagi plus transportasiny udah overload.


Kyny ngerasa bersalah bgt... Ga dateng cuma gara-gara itu... Ga penting bgd!

Emang sih... Sebelumny ada beberapa orangtua temen seangkatan gw yg pulang ke rumah terakhirnya. Tapiii, yg ini bner-bner bikin gw ngrasa ga enak karna ga ngelayat. Ntah kenapa =(

Udah gitu gw ga enak sm classmate gw itu. Aslii...
Bad me...

Wednesday, August 01, 2007


Ayey, finally I made a new blog. Since the last blog I made was kinda e-diary, so I make a new one. Haha!

Oke, mungkin pada mikir, knapa template nya putih?

'Cause white is the new black, honey!

Garing ah. Oookay, this blog will be filled with my blunders, my stupidness, my smartness (emang ada?) and whatsoever you call it. Sori-sori aja kalo boring. Don't hesitate to read and comment! ;)