Kambing Jantan The Movie!

Saturday, April 26, 2008

the blah blah blah

UN is done. I'm quite sure every Indonesian 12th grader out there will write about UN in his/her blog, so I'll just write a glimpse of it.
The first day may be the best. Between other science subjects, Mathematics is the one that I'm quite certain of. The others? Physics was such shit, Chemistry is difficult on theories, and I'm not too sure about Biology either. As always, Bahasa Indonesia and English was so-so and never be certain for me. My desk mate once said, "Bahasa Indonesia tuh relatiiif!" and I definitely agree.

Well, if it's not about UN, then what?
Freddie Highmore!

Nyahahah, belakangan ini gw sering nonton film-filmnya dia.
He plays in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, August Rush, Spiderwick, Arthur and the Minimoys, and more. Gw baru nonton 3 film pertama siih...
Ayoo cek link ini: Freddie Highmore on imdb
Haha, jarang kan gw bilang seseorang lucu.
He is as old as my sister, 16 years old, tapi tampangnya childish abis...
In some ways, he looks similar with dito...
Well that's it, I'm off...


annisanican said...

mirip? Oh ok. Boleh deh. Yg di spiderwick dy jg bkn c,min? emang lucu c.hehe.
tp gw ga yakin lulus min. gmana yah? :(

miss achmadi said...

heheh uan emang sialan
tnang2.. smoga lulus yaa

ga lo doang ko
kn ama utul
snin bawa aja data2nya
tar bagi2 tugas deh

Afrida. said...

yass. tapi jakunnya gak besar kan? LOL hahahahah ;P